Last Saturday morning we woke up to another limb down in our yard. This time it was from the neighbor's oak tree. It has been dead quite some time, but I don't know what made it fall on a completely clear night.... We are trying to get with our neighbor sometime this week to cut it up and get it down without hopefully harming the fence.

Speaking of the fence, last weekend Mike finished the majority of the new gate!!! We now have a 2 door gate instead of the old heavy 1 door gate. All that is left to do is put the latch on!!

All of the pups are doing fine! Lexi is taking an obedience class and is back herding in addition to agility training. I am slowly figuring out that her "shutting down" is really her saying "I just don't want to do what you want me to do". But we are working through it, and I hope all of the different exposure she is getting at all of the classes will help her agility:) Foster is doing great!! Just gearing up for the MOTC trial at the end of this month! We (me, Lexi, and Foster) will be staying with Jennifer and Moana (Cletus and Dexter too) in a pop up RV next to our friends Steve and Terry! We have a great BBQ Night and Fiesta Night in the works for the weekend!! Bailey is doing great too! She is really coming a long way with her herding!!
I was really upset when I heard the other day that there would be no AKC agility at the St. Jude Showcase of Dogs this year. It is one of two shows that we have here at home all year. But today I heard that they would be doing a 3 day USDAA trial instead! Even though Foster can't compete in USDAA (jumps are too high for him), it will be a good show for Lexi! YEAH!
Tomorrow is Imma-Jane's very 1st birthday, and Saturday is my Mom's birthday, sooo...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to them both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!