Sunday, August 31, 2008

"Lazy" Labor Day Weekend

We started off the weekend by going to a Fun Run Saturday morning. The place where it was held had a heavy teeter so I decided to test Foster's new fear of heavy teeters. After his run...nothing has changed, he is still refusing the teeter the first time and then going up it with me there the second time. So we'll keep working to build his confidence before the next show, but I think I will also plan to be right at the teeter at the next show too. He had great contacts and weaves though!! Lexi's first run was a disaster!! I tried her on the contacts w/o a target and just a verbal command for her 2o2o...she was in show mode and blew them all, and skipped the weaves too. She didn't do an automatic down on the table either(we have been working on this too), and there was no judge. Still A LOT of work to do over the next few weeks!!! She did do better on her second run. I didn't run the course, and instead just took her target and did the Aframe and the dogwalk a few times, then added some jumps and speed with those. She did really well on that run!!!!

Then we headed home to get the house ready for my Mom and Dad to visit. We also went to Lowe's to get some mortar and concrete last night because we have some people who are going to brick the border of our flower gardens today!!! The good old Jeep Liberty could only hold the 20 bags of mortar, so we have to go back today for the concrete! I'm excited because we have been wanting to get this project done for quite some time!

This morning, my Dad called and said that Mom wasn't feeling well, so they would have to come a different weekend. :( We are going to work on some other projects around the house I guess; hanging shelves, cleaning off the patio, looking for laminate to redo the first floor! Can you feel the excitement??

Here are some pics of the pups just hanging out in the yard after playing ball and frisbee!
Hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hattiesburg Agility Trial

We just returned from a wonderful weekend in Hattiesburg at the BARK AKC Agility trial!! Jennifer with Moana, Cletus, and Dexter, her daughter Natalie, and me and my crew stayed for the second time in the pop-up. They had a great RV Park at the facility!! Annette and Dave came with their crew including the new addition Daisy, who introduced them to what happens when you don't know what age the female dog you rescued is, and your spay appointment is next week....Daisy came into heat while we were there! And last but not least Jill came with George and Atticus.

Here are the highlights...Moana got 2 Q's this weekend!!! One in Open Std and one in Open JWW bringing her total to 2 legs in each!!! One more to go in each to move to Excellent!!! Storm finished his Novice JWW title!!! Charley had some great Excellent runs this weekend!!! Atticus finished his Novice JWW title in his agility debut weekend!!!!!!! George had some great runs this weekend as well!!! Lexi had a Q in jumpers, and almost a Q in Novice Std...BUT the most exciting thing was that she sat on the table on Friday and downed on the table on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!! She has not done either one in quite sometime in competition!!! I am hoping we are making progress!!!! Foster got 2 Q's, one in Std and one in JWW, unfortunately not on the same double Q's this weekend. The heavy teeter, and tight courses got the best of us this weekend. Lastly, Foster and I tried out Novice FAST on Friday....what fun!!! And we got a Q and 1st place!!! We may just have to try it again in Benton, AR in November!!! We also had some great cookouts at the pop-up Friday and Saturday nights!!!!

So for now, we have about a month and a half to work on some issues we are having and get ready for the Franklin show in October!!!! At that show, we will have Tammy and Jill joining us in the RV park!!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

New link for Moana

It looks like they changed the link to vote for Moana! Or just go to and type in Moana.