Saturday, April 12, 2008

Agility Class Saturday

We had class this morning, and I had brought my camera originally to capture little bulldog, Dexter's, first agility class. Alas, Dexter and Moana did not come:( So instead I took some shots of everyone else doing what they love:)

George weaving

Lexi showing us her best side

Blue weaving

Faith waving on the table

Simi relaxing with Charlie

Cajun weaving

Ellie Ray weaving

Simi finishing her weaves & heading to the table

Attie coming down the dogwalk

Izzy resting

Homer finishing his weaves and checking with Ron before going on.

The rest of Ron's crew: Homer, Happy, Ellie Ray, Elroy, Elwood

Last but not least Foster:)


Yankee Doodle said...

Makes me miss classes too! Oh how I need to visiti Memphis.

Michele said...

Wow Kim! So many cute and agile dogs! Blue and Lexie in the pics look so much alike! How do you tell them apart? Of course, I am partial to my "grandpups" who are the cutest of all!!!!!!
