Thursday, March 10, 2011

Missed Challenge, and a little dog training....

So I missed getting the EWV Make Art Challenge #4 done:( Oops! I think I will still make the idea I had this weekend, when I work on Challenge #5! So maybe an artsy post this weekend!

Lexi and I had a blast at agility class last night. We were really working well together. I set up a good test for our Crate Games at class...had Lexi hop into a crate near the start line and left the door open, then walked out past the start jump of the course, and released her. She did great and didn't break until I released her to run:)She loves her Crate!!!

Tonight, since the yard is still a mushy mess after all the rain, we just worked on putting 2 front feet on a balance disc, and starting to rotate around it with the back feet. Just 10 minutes of training:) Foster had it made!! Put a little cheese in front of him and watch him work:) Lexi is finally moving a few inches once she gets two feet on the disc, but only until she turns so much that she has to move her 2 front feet:) lol Bailey isn't quite to turning on the disc...she is too excited and can only keep 2 feet on the disc for short spurts before she gets so excited and wiggles herself off! When a pup wasn't working they were sent to their crate, and watched with the door open.(More Crate Game training:) )

So I need to make a video illustrating what we got from Susan Garrett's 5 minute Recall class that we took at the end of last year. If I post one by Monday, then I can take part in her next 5 minute recall class for free:) I need to see if I have any before videos of Lexi in agility because I think one of byproducts of doing the 5 minute recall training with her, was improved confidence and trust in working with me. That resulted in more confidence when we were running on the agility course. I think that is going to be the basis for my video. Off to look for some footage to use!!

Have a Great Night:)

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