Foster got Double Q #19 this weekend!!! He almost got #20, but we had a slight bobble in Jumpers:( Onto Murfreesboro in 2 weeks to try again!!
We had a great time at this new venue for the Paducah Show. It was indoors on soccer turf!! No dirt, soft landing for me and pups, and air conditioned!!! What more could you ask for?! We will definitely be signing up for their show in the Fall!!
However, while I was driving up there on Friday, Olive Branch got slammed with an F2 tornado and severe storms all across Memphis too!! All is well for us and our friends here. Just a little damage to our fence from a falling tree, which Mike has already fixed! We had some nice neighbors who helped him cart all of the tree up to the curb with their 4 wheeler. Mike didn't have power for about 24 hours luckily, but we still have friends who may be out of power all week! Speaking of electricity, our just went out and came back on, but there was a large boom! that accompanied it...kind of scary!
Well I guess that is all for now, as i am pretty tired! I will upload videos of QQ #19 this week!
Congratulations to Tonya and Jason on qualifying for the DOCNA Nationals in October!!!!!