Lexi and Bailey competed in an ASCA herding trial this morning! Lexi was doing Started Sheep for the first time in ASCA and she Qualified!!! YEAH! She moved much better since it was nice and chilly this morning! Bailey was trying to complete her titles in Advanced Sheep and Ducks....and she got both with a 3rd place and a 1st place respectively!! Very exciting!!
After we got Foster up and moving after his nice and lazy Sunday morning, Lexi, Foster and I went to go and practice agility. Time to start ramping up for the Fall Show Season! It starts the first weekend of October:) I can't wait! They both had a great practice today! It was going to be a test to see how much Lexi has improved on her weaves since we have been practicing them....and she passed with flying colors:) There is hope for Lexi completing the weaves in competition on the first try!!! We are going to keep at it!
I don't know how long this fall like weather is going to last but I am definitely not complaining! It is tough to stay inside and clean up when it is just so pretty out! In fact, I think I am going to head out now and enjoy it until the sun goes down! Cleaning can wait :)
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